
Chapter Profile

  • The Iowa Chapter, Safari Club International (SCI) was formed in 1992.
  • The first fundraiser was at the Des Moines Downtown Holiday Inn with only 16 people in attendance.
  • Our Hunters Expo, Banquet and Live Auction at Prairie Meadows Event Center had 322 people in attendance.
  • The Iowa Chapter, SCI operates in compliance with SCI Board Rules and Regulations.
  • The Iowa Chapter, SCI supports a full range of SCI Programs, and works on a regional and local basis to support the SCI Mission.
  • The Iowa Chapter, SCI quarterly newsletter, The Iowa Hunter, earned the 2016 Chapter Newsletter Publication Award from Safari Club International.
  • Past Presidents: Mike Place, Steve Skold, Mike Lehman, Glenn Vondra, Dave Funk, Nels Spevak and A Jay Winter.
Photo by Robert Utne

SCI Mission Statement

Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide

greater hunter participation in Iowa, the U.S. and Internationally, as well as promoting and educating the public about the R3 initiative in all aspects of our Chapter’s activities.

value to members by shaping policies and legislation that protect the freedom to hunt locally, nationally and internationally
members informed regarding issues that impact hunting while educating and entertaining members with engaging articles about the rich heritage of hunting in all forms of media
a community for hunters worldwide where camaraderie is enjoyed and expert information is exchanged, and where members are able to participate in a market for quality hunting goods and services
a positive image of hunters and portraying them as responsible citizens who fund wildlife conservation, education and other programs which benefit the community
Incorporating and Prioritizing an

R3 Plan into Iowa SCI’s Existing Goals

R3 generally stands for the recruitment, retention and reactivation of hunters, fishermen, shooters, etc. in their respective outdoor participation activities, but let’s look at it in a little more detail:

Sold in Hunting Licenses Nationally
$ 0 Million
Turkeys have been
re-introduced in Iowa
Average number of waterfowl
banded per year
Value of Furs Sold
$ 0

SCI Code of Ethics

Safari Club International’s Hunter’s Code of Ethics

Recognizing my responsibility to wildlife, habitat and future generations, I pledge:

    • TO conduct myself in the field so as to make a positive contribution to wildlife and ecosystems
    • TO improve my skills as a woodsman and marksman to ensure humane harvesting of wildlife
    • TO comply with all game laws, in the spirit of Fair Chase, and to influence companions accordingly
    • TO accept my responsibility to provide all possible assistance to game law enforcement officers
    • TO waste no opportunity to teach young people the full meaning of this code of ethics
    • TO reflect in word and behavior only credit upon the fraternity of sportsmen, and to demonstrate abiding respect for game, habitat and property where I am privileged to hunt.
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